Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

Our mission is to support individuals with disabilities in Northern California for a lifetime; integrating them into their community and helping them live an active and full life. Serving Butte, Tehama, Plumas, Lassen, and Glenn Counties.

What We Do

Building Connections and Opportunities Through Respect, Support and Hospitality.

Our vision is a world where individuals with developmental disabilities fully participate in their community and enjoy equal opportunities.

Personal Support Networks (PSN)

PSNs allow individuals to experience the joys of life and act upon their “right to make choices in their own lives.”

Facilitated Personal Care Plans (FPCP)

FPCPs have been supporting safety and independence for over 20 years; allowing individuals to have a voice when it comes to their personal care. 

Advance Care Planning (ACP)

ACP helps prepare individuals and their families for a sudden event. ACP helps ensure one’s wishes are followed at the end of their life. 

Be Part of the Change

Join the Alice Carroll Foundation as we integrate individuals into their community, build lifelong friendships and support them as they pursue their hopes and dreams. Ultimately easing the minds of their families.

Supporting People with Disabilities Since 1976

We guide individuals as they explore their community and expand their experiences by:

  • Providing individuals with opportunities to make new friends.
  • Helping individuals discover and grow their personal goals.
  • Encouraging individuals to be creative.
0 million
adults in the US live with a disability
0 percent
of adults have some type of disability
0 in 10
use aids or assistive devices
0 percent
of disabled people have jobs

A Future Where Disabled People Thrive

"I do not have a disability. I have a gift! Others may see it as a disability, but I see it as a challenge. This challenge is a gift because I have to become stronger to get around it, and smarter to figure out how to use it; others should be so lucky." - Shane E. Bryan

There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more.

Do you need our Help? Contact Us

We believe building relationships has the power to transform lives. We feel everyone – no matter their level of ability – has the capacity to become contributing members of their community through the concept of reciprocity.